The latest news and events from the life of a large family UIC Group🤍
Our team is very active not only in projects, but also in sports and healthy lifestyle. At the Samarkand marathon, our participants covered a distance of 2 to 21 kilometers. Also, during the 2-day trip to Samarkand, an excursion to historical monuments was carried out. UIC Group often organizes Team Buildings for its employees. Such Team Building activities are also carried out in order to strengthen the team work environment and expand spiritual knowledge.
From our project
The presentation of and websites developed by UIC Group took place in Germany. The back-end part of both of these sites was developed using the Django framework of the Python programming language, and the front-end part was developed using the Vue.js framework of the JavaScript programming language.
At the beginning of the event, in order to raise the mood, a video was presented with a collection of funny situations that happened throughout the year. Then the employees who recorded high results and team members who deserved recognition were awarded with certificates and gifts. Interactive competitions and an award ceremony concluded our event.
From our project
«Express 24» is the best food delivery app in Uzbekistan. You can order food from the restaurants and cafes available there. You can find a suitable job or employee through the «» application. With the «Suvni asra» app, you can report water problems in your area to the appropriate organizations.
Sitora Dusova covered a distance of 10 km and took the honorable 4th place.
Executive director and chairman of Boursa National Emerging Markets Consulting, AlShall Kuwait Consulting consultant Dr. Salah Alothman visited UIC Group. With Dr. Salah, discussions were held on projects implemented in Uzbekistan. Cooperation issues were also discussed.
Do IT professionals spend their lives writing code? In particular, regarding programmers, in our country, "will you sit in front of the computer even if you reach 50?" there is an opinion. A person entering the field of programming will definitely write code at the beginning. But with the passage of time, his experience increases, first he is promoted to the junior, and then to the middle and senior levels. Until the age of 40, programmers can work in positions such as Team leader, CEO and director or start their own company. This means that the above opinion is wrong. A programmer doesn't spend his life writing code!
Everything that we can see when we go to the site, all the various buttons are embodied in the frontend. After we click the buttons that we see in the frontend, the backend starts to execute the process. The backend is mainly responsible for the proper functioning of the website, as well as dealing with databases, application programming interface (API), and servers, all of which take place in the backend.
CRM is a system designed to communicate with your customers. CRM provides the following opportunities for your business: - database collection; - establishing regular communication with active clients; - generation of reports and analytical data - determination of demand for goods; - control of work efficiency; Also, depending on the type of activity, different functions can be added.
In order to develop our team and raise the team spirit, a "rapid" chess competition was organized, in which a member of the "Backend-team" took the honorable 1st place.
Client Opinion
Sharipov Kongratboy
Rector of Tashkent State University of Economics
TDIU reestrlik tizimining samarali yo’lga qo’yilishi
Personnel registry system
WebsiteToshkent Davlat iqtisodiyot universiteti kadrlar reestrlik tizimini “UIC Group” jamoasi bilan birgalikda yo’lga qo’ydi. Bu optimallashtirish kadrlar boshqaruv tizimini yanada osonlashtirdi. TDIU jamoasi “UIC Group” IT kompaniyasining malakali mutaxassislariga o'z minnatdorchiligini bildiradi.
Aziz Halikov
The founder of AZ Capital project
“AZ Capital” kompaniyasi hamda “UIC Group” IT kompaniyasi bilan yaratilgan loyiha professional tradingga yetaklaydi . Professionallikka erishishda to’g’ri bilimlarni olish ko’zlangan maqsadga yanda tezroq erishishni ta’minlaydi. “UIC Group” mijozlari qaysi soha vakili bolishidan qat'iy nazar talab va istaklaridan kelib chiqqan holda eng optimal yechimni bera oladigan kuchli jamoadir.
SUPER1000.UZ“AZ Capital” kompaniyasi hamda “UIC Group” IT kompaniya
Musaev Amirtemurkhon
Deputy Director is the only national labor system.
Website is a remote training portal for state civil servants. The main purpose of this portal is to ensure selection of qualified personnel. We express our gratitude to the team of "UIC Group" for the modern design of this unified system.